
This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. June 6th 1944 – Operation Overlord  One of the most memorable moments

Lifting the ten-year lockdown


South Africa’s stringent Covid-19 lockdown has largely been lifted with the shift from Level 4 to Level 3 on 1 June. Under Level 3, most

SAA: The Long Haul to Liquidation?


South African Airways (SAA) is suffering a tortuous demise as decisions on its future are delayed, to the heavy cost of the taxpayer.  Government now

Ramaphosa is right, we do need a ‘new economy’


South Africa’s economy was on the ropes long before the coronavirus lockdown administered its coup de grâce. We do need a new economy once all

Why diehard liberals should advocate for B-BBEE


‘That which purifies us is trial, and trial is by what is contrary’ John Milton, Areopagitica (1644) Counterpoint, a new occasional feature on the Daily

Billions to advertise comradely delinquency, with more to come


It must be one of the most unusual advertising campaigns in history – the billions of rands the government has spent bailing out South African

How the fight for property rights can be won


Last week Limpopo farmer David Rakgase finally triumphed in his long legal battle to purchase state land that he had been working since the early

Was it really better under Apartheid?


When you want to show people how angry you are with an existing regime, the best method is to say, ‘It was better under …

Reflecting on Bullard’s dismissal from the Daily Friend


Since my role in reporting the tweet that got David Bullard axed from the Daily Friend is now public, I’d like to take a moment

The next crisis: SA’s choice


From the word go, the Covid-19 crisis was always going to be about the future, if only because its biggest impact – the economic one