Cozying up to the commies


To while away the lockdown, President Cyril Ramaphosa has been dabbling in long-distance international diplomacy. His most brotherly love was reserved for his fellow communists,

Take me to your leader, whoever that may be!


President Cyril Ramaphosa, according to recent surveys, enjoys a 67% approval rating at this time of Covid-19. Ramaphosa as leader is an illusion. This illusion

Sophie’s Declining Choices


The collapse of economic life coupled with declining services has a severe impact on the life of someone like Sophie. Sophie is a 58-year-old domestic

Free citizens, or frightened subjects?


I am writing this on Monday 27 April 2020. This is the date every year on which we remember South Africa’s turn to democracy, and

Will the cost be worth it?


In his essay, The Parable of the Broken Window, the French political theorist, Frédéric Bastiat, stated that the difference between a good economist and a

Ease of the lockdown a contentious issue: Quo Vadis?


The decision to move South Africa’s lockdown from the restrictive level 5 to the marginally diluted level 4 has been met with a variety of

Lifting the lockdown now


The lockdown is costing South Africa’s already crippled economy an estimated R13bn to R20bn a day.  But, despite its heavy costs, it is unable to

Covid-19: The Big Reset


In the midst of massive and rare occurrences that have a severe impact – ‘Black Swan’ events, – forecasts have little credibility. The key determining

Coronavirus likely much less of a killer than expected


Since the beginning of the Covid-19 outbreak, we’ve been hearing all about the case fatality rate of the disease, which in some countries, including the

The Western share in the Soviet victory to be commemorated next month


It is fashionable these days to decry the role of the Western Allies in destroying Adolf Hitler’s Nazi regime on the grounds that the Russians