SA needs a political reset after Covid


There has been much talk about how South Africa needs an economic reset after the Covid-19 crisis. There is no doubt that this is true.

SA’s lockdown: Ten cold facts to reckon with


With heavy lockdown receding into the past there will need to be a frank evaluation of whether it worked. It may be possible to make

Land reform: let’s not forget SA’s other David Rakgases


Despite flamboyant claims doing the rounds, Covid-19 has not changed everything. Its immediate impact has been profound, and what it means for the future is


This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 31st May 1916 – The Battle of Jutland, biggest naval battle of

SA’s R4 trillion pension pot in ANC’s crosshairs


The South African Communist Party (SACP), which has long used its dominance over the African National Congress (ANC) to set the policy agenda for the

ANC’s ‘New Economy’ vision: Big state, but no money?


The African National Congress’s (ANC) vision of a ‘new economy’ is now on the table, marking an apparent victory for the Radical Economic Transformation faction.

Jan de Lange’s dishonest attack on me and the IRR


The political editor of the Rapport newspaper, Jan de Lange, last Sunday penned a rather scurrilous attack on me and the Institute for Race Relations

ANC – foe of the free market


On 25 March 2020, two days before the lockdown took effect, the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) issued a report entitled Friends In Need –

The Economist sheds crocodile tears for the poor


About ten days ago The Economist reported that a combination of Covid-19 and lockdowns could drive up to 420 million people into absolute poverty. Lockdowns,

Lives and lucre: where the real vulnerability lies


I wrote a column many years ago about growing up with the distinct impression that there was something unpleasant about money. Going on holiday as