Returning to race politics


South Africa’s return to the politics of race was heralded by the government’s acceptance of the then proposed Employment Equity Bill in 1998. This article

Turning land into ‘dead’ capital via EWC


Last week US secretary of state Mike Pompeo warned that expropriation without compensation (EWC) would be ‘disastrous’ for South Africa and its people. President Cyril

Budget 2020: The problems of low economic growth and low private investment


The Budget presented this afternoon is against a background of stagnant economic growth and declining per capita income. This stagnation and the dismal outlook make

The De Klerk saga: SA is still a crime scene


I understand why so many people were angry at former president FW De Klerk’s insistence that Apartheid was not a crime against humanity. I don’t

Crimes against humanity


Former president FW de Klerk’s now infamous opinion that he did not believe apartheid was a crime against humanity produced the anticipated tsunami of opprobrium. 

Mike Pompeo helps shift the ‘balance of forces’ against expropriation


Last week’s warning to South Africa by the Trump administration about property rights and the rule of law could not have been more timely. In

A week of apologies


I’ve often wondered who decides what day should be allocated to what fashionable cause. Is there, for example, a secret committee who meet and decide

Crime and the black family


An important note for South Africa was sounded in the latest and most dismal of the dismal United States (US) Democrat primary debates. For the

A necessary argument about history


History is often mistakenly thought to be only about the past. But the arguments of the past week over apartheid’s being declared a crime against

South Africa’s dishonest De Klerk debate


The lover of freedom is ever vigilant, and refuses to be fooled by silly things like race and the insensitive opinions of fellow citizens. That