How many Rolls Royces does the king of a ‘shithole’ need?


You will no doubt have read the story about the Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) monarch taking delivery of about 16 Rolls Royces (the exact number varies,

The climate scandal of 2009


This is the tenth anniversary of a sombre event in the history of ideas. The event itself was shocking enough, but more shocking was the

What’s missing in the media coverage of land reform


In the thousands of news reports on the ‘land expropriation’ debate, the one thing that gains little attention is the sentiments of ordinary South Africans.

What Africa can learn from China


The story of China’s escape from poverty is remarkable, both for the outcomes achieved, and for the reforms that produced them. China’s achievements are generally

Eskom = load shedding, the NHI = life shedding


South Africans have a scant week left to say their first resounding ‘No’ to a National Health Insurance (NHI) proposal likely to capsize the economy

Is De Ruyter the best man for Eskom?


The controversial appointment of Andre de Ruyter to CEO of Eskom has chins wagging across the land. One issue is that he is a white

The testing measure of merit


A common objection to the argument for merit – in the job market, business, the public service, the selection of sports teams, entrance to university

Construction in crisis


The state of South Africa’s construction industry is a sign of the state of the economy as managed by the African National Congress (ANC): it’s

A ‘war room’ against strikes is the one that Cyril Ramaphosa really needs


Forty years ago, British Prime Minister James Callaghan’s Labour government was destroyed by militant trade unions in the so-called ‘winter of discontent’ that brought Margaret

Flights of Fancy


In a normal world, it would be generally accepted that a company that has been technically bankrupt for years, cannot compete with more successful companies