From Nelson Mandela to Wilkins Micawber – South Africa since the 1990s


After listening to the mini-budget this week, I think I understand what is going on; we are being governed by Wilkins Micawber, a character from

Clickbait versus Dignity


Please don’t think me mawkish, but as I approach my late sixties I have become belatedly concerned about my health. As a custodian, I haven’t

Must we all suffer for Eskom’s sins?


The answer is yes. Last Tuesday, Pravin Gordhan, Minister of Public Enterprises, laid out his rescue plan for Eskom. It had some good points but

Racialism: The elite’s war against the poor


When a policy fails, it is common for people to say it is not the policy itself that is to blame, only its implementation. This

‘Wir reden über Gott und die Welt…’


So goes a popular German expression, literally translated as ‘we speak of God and the World’. It means to discuss a limitless range of issues

Will your NHI taxes go to Eskom or SAA?


National Health Insurance (NHI) is supposed to help the poor, but in fact it will give the state a monopoly over healthcare, further shackle the

There is a BBBEE hole at the centre of SA’s public debate


Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) is the holy cow of South Africa’s public conversation. The racially selective government programme is the single biggest hurdle to

Politicians are people, too – and that should scare you


Government regulation is really just an appropriation of citizens’ rights. I can sum up the case for all government regulation in one sentence: Individuals act

The Anglican Church joins the bandwagon against Israel


One thing is certain: the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions campaign, whether or not endorsed by the Anglican Communion, will not bring peace between Palestinians and

Herman Mashaba and the cruel and monstrous political game


Politics is a nasty business and it can bring out the worst in people, a risk to which the good and well-intentioned but politically uninitiated