Climate advisers who don’t like coal should go nuclear


The Presidential Climate Commission doesn’t like the plan to delay the shuttering of coal-fired power plants, but wants Eskom to extend the grid for renewables,

Napoleon’s imperial ascendancy


This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 18th May 1804 – Napoleon Bonaparte is proclaimed Emperor of the French

A defence of the High Court’s ‘foolish, dangerous judgment on load-shedding’ 


Andrew Kenny writes that Judge Norman Davis of the Gauteng High Court issued ‘a foolish, dangerous judgment on load-shedding’ when the latter ordered government to

The Lady R: What do we really want?


South Africa’s relations with the US are in a crisis, and there is no clear path out of the mess. South Africa’s increasing lean towards

We should welcome dumping, not penalise it


The government is weighing new anti-dumping tariffs of up to 232% on a range of products imported from China and India, ostensibly to protect local

What liberalism means to me


It’s always interesting to get feedback on what I write. Positive or negative, online or in person, understanding how people view what I have to

‘Transformation’ or transformation


Our youth unemployment crisis is as globally unrivalled as it is deeply entrenched. This traces to our ruling party creating a patronage network which is

A foolish, dangerous judgment on load-shedding


One of the most foolish and dangerous court judgments I have ever heard was made on 5 May 2023 in the Gauteng High Court by

Palestinian Authority’s real thoughts revealed


Israel celebrated Yom Ha’atzmaut or Independence Day from the evening of Tuesday 26 April to the evening of Wednesday 27 April 2023. Israel follows the

Is South Africa a failed state?


In short, no. But it is understandable why there is a pervasive feeling of failure within this country, which is largely due to the abysmal