The cowardice of the modern CEO


They’ll lean in and share their thoughts in hushed tones. The modern Stasi could be at the next table, you see. ‘I am sick of

Generative AI not ready for prime time – and we are not ready, either


A major technology revolution is happening. It is one that neither the technology, nor we, are ready for, but it will change everything. There’s a

Japan’s founding


This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 11th February 660 BC – Traditional date for the foundation of Japan

Five reasons why DA and other opposition parties must avoid ANC coalition


These past weeks have been dominated by insinuations and rumours of the Democratic Alliance (DA) considering a coalition with the African National Congress (ANC) in

A series in search of an ending


Staying with friends in Cape Town, I did not have to rush around the house sealing fridges or switching off appliances prior to load shedding.

The Ministry of Fruit and Vegetables


In 1980, the Soviet and Communist Party leader, Leonid Brezhnev, created a Ministry of Fruit and Vegetables, while retaining the Ministry of Agriculture. The new

DA shoots own foot, blames ‘malicious’ journalists


Democratic Alliance demands state of disaster. ANC declares state of disaster. DA says, not that kind of state of disaster! Journos call it out. Who

SONA2023: ‘An extraordinary human disaster’


Ramaphosa probably gave the best speech he could have, given the circumstances, his ideological straitjacket, and his complete lack of spine. It didn’t inspire hope,

Thoughts on the State of the Nation


I watched the annual State of the Nation (SONA) ritual with particular interest this year. Partly, it was because of the general state of the

What do the white racists think?


Who spoke these words (very loudly) and on what occasion? “South Africa, as a country, was more functional during apartheid than it currently is …