Is Andrew Tate a product of individualism?


In a strange argument, Mary Harrington, a contributing editor at UnHerd, claims that Andrew Tate is a monster created by the individualism of John Stuart

Not seeing colour is not racist


‘The point of language, to the best of my understanding, is to create shared intentions between the communicators involved. When I speak or write, what I genuinely

Mandela’s style versus Kissinger’s 


Who would be better at ending the Russo-Ukrainian war, a Kissinger type of negotiator or someone with a Mandela-like leadership style? Why is this relevant

Japan’s strategic shift 


TOKYO:  Japan is in the midst of a rearmament programme unprecedented since World War II. Defence spending is being doubled, and is expected to reach

Vladimir Lenin and Julius Malema


Vladimir Lenin, the leader of the Russian communist coup of October 1917, and Julius Malema, the Commander in Chief of our Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF),

The race question


The issue of the race question today commonly rests on the popular notion that race is fundamentally a political issue – that it is an

Newsflash: Paul Ehrlich has not died of starvation!


The world has problems. Some are big problems. But stop believing people who for over fifty years peddled the lie that the planet, or civilisation,

Victoria, Empress of India 


This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 1st January 1877 – Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom is proclaimed

Centralisation of basic education should be avoided and parental rights respected


On 15 November 2022, I presented the SAIRR submission – drafted by Dr Anthea Jeffery – on the Basic Education Laws Amendment (BELA) Bill, to

South Africa: Constraints and Possibilities


Key aspects about the country’s direction of travel might have been uncertain a few years ago, but are now close to certainties. We know that