Why did we need a State of Disaster again?


On 28 February the government issued ‘Disaster Management Regulations pertaining to the impact of Severe Electricity Supply Constraints’. Very few believed that the State of

Ramaphosa enjoys seeing people in poverty


Some people may think that the above headline is sensationalist but there is no other way to explain President Cyril Ramaphosa’s celebration and bragging about

Alt-right blames gays for paedophilia


The religious right in the US is rapidly becoming the American Taliban. South Africa’s alt-right is adopting some of its most hateful memes. There’s an

Nazis in Memel


This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 22nd March 1939 – Germany takes Memel from Lithuania   The 20th

Parliament must stop trying to use the courts to fix bad law 


The South African Parliament has had a tendency to produce poorly drafted and dangerous legislation, the text of which allows unjust legal outcomes to occur.

Keeping the EFF under pressure


The national shutdown called for by the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) on Monday did not bring the country to a standstill. In the end it

Socialists in their own words


If you want to know how socialism will work, and why it’s so much better than capitalism, all you have to do is ask the

Exempt farmers from municipal rates to help them with State of Disaster


South Africa is now in its second state of disaster since 2020, but for the agricultural sector it represents another in an escalating series of

Don’t let patronage discourage voting


How should we respond to school leavers who say, ‘I don’t care about politics or what happened in the past, I just want a real

Cowering before Julius Malema


Julius Malema dominated the news and the commentary last week with his planned national shutdown tomorrow. The nation seemed to cower before him, as if