Where has the corporate backbone gone?


The last week has been tumultuous for the pharmacy chain Dis-Chem. It began with a confidential letter to staff (which was promptly leaked), chastising them

Dis-Chem’s disaster


It remains unclear whether Dis-Chem has withdrawn its moratorium on the hiring of white people. A letter to the public earlier this week on the

What can classical liberals learn from Liz Truss?


Many of the promises Liz Truss made before her election as UK prime minister would have sounded good to libertarians, classical liberals, and conservatives. Yet

Will Putin cancel ‘cancel culture’?


Stopping the fighting might soon be in everyone’s interest but there are conflicting priorities. Those who delight in criticising necessary-but-imperfect trade-offs will baulk at advancing

Joburgers, be careful about Cape Town! 


Unlike most Capetonians, I like Johannesburg. I am somewhat bemused by the rising trend of “semigration” by the flood of Joburgers selling up there –

ANC collapse could happen sooner than we think


The ANC stands astride South Africa’s politics like a colossus. To be sure, it’s not the force it was in the early parts of this

‘Business-friendly’ Cyril holds record for serving socialism 


Despite the depredations of apartheid, there was always hope that the ideology would collapse due to its inherent contradictions.  However, when it became inevitable that

Are anti-vaxxers owed an apology?


The alt-media is awash with a ‘shocking’ revelation: A Pfizer executive ‘admitted’ initial trials did not test whether their Covid vaccine prevented transmission. Are opponents

Pedro’s accession


This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 12th October 1822 – Pedro I of Brazil is proclaimed the emperor

Devolved policing: Constitutional imperative, or fantasy?


On 26 September 2022, a number of organisations from civil society and politics formed the Western Cape Devolution Working Group. Comprising the Democratic Alliance (DA),