Simple solutions under the law and the Constitution


Misconceptions abound about two key issues currently confronting the country: the validity of the medical parole granted to former president Jacob Zuma in September 2021;

The folly of race-based policy


Race is South Africa’s eternal fault line. Nearly everything in this country is viewed through the prism of race, from who our politicians are, and

South Africa’s Rip-Off Economy


There is a growing share of the economy that is often criminal, sometimes out in the open.  It is nothing but a burden, and does

Renaming vegan products to protect meat and dairy industries


As I predicted, the vegan and vegetarian charlatans have launched legal action to thwart the government’s efforts to protect consumers from confusion, and the meat

What do we do with Small Business? (Part 2)


Last week, I took issue with a widespread view of small business as being something other than business – that is, small business as a

Dutch Disease … South African Syndrome


Sudden geological wealth threatening investments in worker productivity is termed Dutch disease. Does our entrenched youth unemployment crisis stem from a sudden and unexpected spate

Chicken wars and animal rights


Two South African combatants are engaged in a mighty chicken war that rages through our media and in which the main battleground seems to be

Even the aged buffalo has horns: understanding the stubborn and formidable strength of the ANC


In about 600 days, South Africans will be voting in the 2024 elections. For the first time since the middle of the twentieth century, just

Are we ready for the Energy Revolution?


South Africa is in a deep and very serious energy crisis that has had a major impact on our economy, our businesses, and our lives.

The Private Health System: Oh so expensive!


This is the fourth in a series of five articles in which Michael Settas elaborates on the critically important distinction between universal health coverage (a