Impeached judge choosing judges | Daily Friend Wrap


Chris Hattingh and Nicholas Lorimer discuss the appointment of former judge John Hlophe to the Judicial Services Commission with the support of the ANC. They

Is near tragedy a triumph for Trump?


Sara Gon, Terence Corrigan, and Hermann Pretorius discuss the strangely positive consequences that nearly being assassinated has offered Donald Trump in his bid to be

The mess that is the MK Party


Today’s Daily Friend Show with John Endres, Nicholas Lorimer and Terence Corrigan discusses the chaos in the MK Party, the allocation of committee chairmanships in

ANC-EFF relationship heading for a break up?


Makone Maja and Nicholas Lorimer discuss the continued deterioration of the ANC-EFF alliance in the Gauteng metros. They also discuss the inquest into the deaths

R300 million stolen by hackers from Public Works | Daily Friend Wrap


Michael Morris and Nicholas Lorimer discuss the revelation by new public works minister Dean Macpherson that the department was robbed of R300 million over the

Can Ramaphosa’s power survive? | Daily Friend Wrap


Nicholas Lorimer and Marius Roodt discuss the ANC’s internal battle over which the GNU will cast a long shadow. They also discuss Eskom not being

The Daily Friend Show Special | UK election analysis


Today’s Daily Friend Show discusses the United Kingdom’s 2024 general election, the winners, the losers, and what It suggests about the UK’s future with Nicholas

Lesufi sings a different tune


Today’s Daily Friend Show with Nicholas Lorimer and Makone Maja discusses the ongoing debate about the DA involvement in the government of Gauteng, one hundred

MK election claims withdrawn | Daily Friend Wrap


Nicholas Lorimer and Makone Maja discuss the withdrawal of the MK Party’s election court case. They also discuss multinationals pulling out of South African gas

No Unity government for Gauteng | Daily Friend Wrap


Marius Roodt and Nicholas Lorimer discuss the collapse of talks around forming a cabinet in Gauteng. They also discuss tomorrow’s British election.