Articles By This Author

Trade unions resist democracy


Nothing reveals more clearly the destructive motives of many South Africa trade unions than their furious opposition to the law passed this month making compulsory

The destructive folly of sanctions


Economic sanctions continue their wreckage. They strengthened Castro’s tyranny in Cuba, prolonged apartheid and now threaten war in Iran. Sanctions are always destructive, usually producing

Climate Hysteria


The greatest folly of our age is the belief that mankind is changing the climate in a dangerous way. It has no basis in science,

Is South Africa deranged?


There seems to be an added dimension of sadism and madness and bloodlust to our crime. Why? I know the Clareinch Post Office well. It

Mugabe’s contempt of Africans


The career of Robert Mugabe makes one thing crystal clear: the international fame and reputation of a black African leader depends entirely on his treatment

Employment equity impoverishes black people


To help poor black people, those who serve them need to have the best qualifications and competence, regardless of their race. In 1994, South Africa

Hate speech: what about the Union Jack, or the Hammer and Sickle?


Andrew Kenny A far better policy, in the face of anyone brandishing a symbol you find hurtful, would be to ignore them, and deny them

ANC sought power, not freedom


The violence of the people’s war is the key to understanding the rise to power of the African National Congress (ANC). It is nearly impossible

Can Ramaphosa never match Verwoerd?


Is South Africa under democracy, ruled by the African National Congress (ANC), doomed to slower growth than it had under apartheid? Is it impossible for

The silly tragedy of Penny Sparrow


Why did we attach such enormous importance to the commonplace racism of a commonplace woman who died last week? Sparrow’s life and death were marked