Articles By This Author

Post-ANC governance: is this it? 


We’re four months into new governments in some of the key cities of our country. And after more than 120 days of the trial run

Ignorant armies, confused alarms of struggle and flight


‘And we are here as on a darkling plain Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight, Where ignorant armies clash by night.’ From Dover

Democracy denied: FAN takes fight for free and fair elections for all to High Court


02-03-2022 Freedom Advocacy Network Media Statement 2 March 2022 Democracy denied: FAN takes fight for free and fair elections for all to High Court The

Catch ’24: Trump, DeSantis, and the future of the Grand Old Party


Is the Republican Party inching towards a post-Trump era? A recent article in The Economist looking at polling and fundraising numbers from the United States

Catch ’24: Trump, DeSantis, and the future of the Grand Old Party


Is the Republican Party inching towards a post-Trump era? A recent article in The Economist looking at polling and fundraising numbers from the United States

Human dignity, property rights, and the land of monsters


The notion of property rights is often considered or treated, even by proponents, as some separate conceptual set of things – something that can be

Abandoning the field when there’s everything left to play for


It’s uncontroversial to say these days that South Africa is in the grip of a collective sense of doom. It seems that the only piece

What leadership in a time of crisis looks like


Something that has stuck in my mind ever since I first read Long Walk To Freedom about a decade ago is the evidence of Nelson

The courage of Herman Mashaba


Voters have always valued courage. From Margaret Thatcher to Bernie Sanders, it is impossible to think that political and electoral greatness and relevance can be

The unsatisfaction of the unaccomplished mission


Book review: Slabbert: Man on a Mission (Albert Grundlingh, Jonathan Ball Publishers, 2021) Albert Grundlingh’s biography of Frederik Van Zyl Slabbert, Slabbert: Man on a