Articles By This Author

What Didata scandal says about private sector corruption


The sensational judgment declaring the 2019 sale of The Campus to have been illegal and void is a teaching moment. “This is a uniquely South

Defending liberalism against authoritarianism


Around the world, the illiberal left battles the illiberal right. Liberals are caught in the middle, fighting a war few seem to care about. The

Trump’s three-ring circus is coming to Washington


US president-elect Donald Trump has been pre-announcing his choices for top government posts. It reads like a circus programme. The modern circus was invented by

Sweden bucks prohibitionist orthodoxy to become smoke-free


By going against the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control’s prohibitionism, Sweden has become the first country in Europe to become smoke-free. In 2021, the European

Who will run America’s health agencies?


RFK Jr., whom US president-elect Donald Trump tapped to be in charge of all the health agencies, has been soliciting nominees online. US president-elect Donald

Are there upsides to a Trump presidency?


It’s no secret that I’m not a fan of Donald Trump, president-elect of the US, but could we expect some good things? I’ve written at

US election: voters’ beliefs trump reality


An unpopular one-term US president managed to convince a significant majority of voters to give him another chance. What can we learn? There’s a lot

South Africa will rue a Trump victory


There are several good reasons why South Africa should prefer to see Kamala Harris beat Donald Trump for the US presidency. Today, the United States

America will rue a Donald Trump victory


In the “war of ideas” against big government, corruption and socialism, right-wing populism and religious fundamentalism are not the answer. Populism is a vaguely defined

Apartheid was not well-intended


I recently heard the argument that apartheid was well-intended, but that it had disastrous consequences. This argument is, not to put too fine a point