Articles By This Author

Is poor safety ‘endemic to capitalism’?


The far left is very concerned about safety standards at aircraft giant Boeing. They blame labour conditions and the profit motive. Some people get their

The government’s protectionist instincts extend to merchant shipping


The government isn’t quite sure how to do it, but it wants to adopt a centuries-old policy to restrict coastal shipping to South African-owned vessels.

CBD products are a great big scam


The gradual legalisation of cannabis products has led to a massive alternative ‘health’ scam industry. The movement to legalise marijuana has internalised some classic tropes

South Africa’s tobacco policy is a contradictory mess


There’s neither rhyme nor reason behind South Africa’s inconsistent tobacco control policies. In the United Kingdom, the public health authorities actively encourage vaping as a

Vertical farms: a solution looking for (and like) a problem


Bright green techno-optimists love the idea of vertical farming, but vertical farms are failing. There are many kinds of environmentalists. Most have a fairly poor

Pearl-clutching in response to National Biodiversity Economy Strategy


Certain factions of environmentalism raise old canards in response to the publication for public comment of a National Biodiversity Economy Strategy. The Minister of Forestry,

Finding company for the last Knysna elephant


The last surviving elephant in the Knysna forests has been lonely for a long time. A small public interest group hopes to change that. You

Replacing divisive names with divisive names


Renaming building, streets, towns and cities is little more than cheap triumphalism that continues to divide South Africa. There’s a street near where I live

Safair under fire over foreign ownership


When you have bad laws, expect rivals to exploit them to drag down successful competitors and raise costs for consumers. Safair Operations offers domestic flights

Has capitalism failed younger generations?


Younger generations are growing increasingly sceptical of capitalism and enamoured with socialism. Are they blaming the right people, though? The view that Western capitalism isn’t