Articles By This Author

Coalitions: time for the DA to get in the ring


As the ANC mulls over its post-election options, the DA has emerged as one of its strongest coalition options. The DA shares with the ANC

Namibians befuddled by SA


Earlier this week I had the opportunity to travel to Namibia. It was an eye-opening experience: Namibians − citizens of a country with one twentieth

This just isn’t good enough


Most Daily Friend readers will have just finished their Christmas breaks, enjoying time with friends and family, taking life easy for a couple of weeks

The buffalo and the wild dogs


We are often asked in our briefings who will emerge to bring down the old buffalo that is the ANC, together with its little calf,

BEE isn’t working, so scrap it


The recent upheaval in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng underscores an unmistakable truth: far from uplifting black South Africans and putting them on a par with their

ANC seeks to make BEE illegal


The ANC government is updating the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act, colloquially referred to as Pepuda. The changes the Department of

Reserve Bank nationalisation: bad for SA


‘The IRR opposes adoption of the South African Reserve Bank Amendment Bill because it is bad for the Reserve Bank and it is bad for