Articles By This Author

To BEE or not to BEE


To BEE or not to BEE. That is one of the many prevailing questions, as the government of national unity (GNU) comes into power and

Bailouts will not save Transnet. Just ask Eskom


In his recent Budget Speech, Minister Enoch Godongwana reinforced the commitment to award Transnet R47 billion in debt guarantees to help bail it out of

You think 800 unemployed doctors is bad? Wait until the NHI bill is passed


South Africa is no stranger to having foreign models of governance thrust onto it without any consideration of its unique circumstances. Among the cut-and-paste models

Explaining employment equity to Shaka Zulu 


The epic life of Shaka Zulu resurfaces in the new DStv telenovela, Shaka Ilembe, to smash TV records and remind us of his place in

Phala Phala: President Ramaphosa and Parliament pulled a fast one on us


President Cyril Ramaphosa and Parliament pulled a fast one on us; twice, if you consider the investigation into alleged corruption at Eskom. While the rest

Pyrrhic victory for the DA: A leaf out of their book for the ANC


The DA’s Dr Mpho Phalatse has been reinstated as the Executive Mayor of Johannesburg and whilst the DA is celebrating this as a victory, it