Articles By This Author

Do not give in to the authoritarian urge


South Africa has been through a horrific few weeks, but we must not give in to populist temptation and jettison that which makes a decent

Conspiracy theories, everywhere you look!


But alarm about the National Democratic Revolution (NDR) of the ruling African National Congress (ANC) is not one of them. Around every major news event,

Is all lost?


Marius Roodt | Aug 24, 2019 Not if we stand up against bad policy now. South Africa seems to be at a precipice. Every day there is

What Micawber knew, and the ANC doesn’t


But the option that is open to the government is to use other people’s money to fund its mounting shortfall. Much everyday wisdom can be

What is an African?


‘It’s my home, it’s where I live, it’s where I belong; I didn’t choose to be here, I was born. I might seem out of

Five things you need to know about why the ANC is eyeing your pension


With their steadily rising value, it’s no wonder South Africa’s more than 5 000 active pension funds are being eyed by the government. Prescribed assets

Will the DA repeat the fatal mistake?


If, like the doomed United Party (UP), the Democratic Alliance (DA) fails to provide a clear alternative in voters’ minds, its electoral decline is inevitable.

Will it be ‘What might have been …?’


When we look back in years to come, will we lament the lost opportunities, or be grateful that we averted a disaster? Previously, I wrote

What do the metro results tell us?


Continuing migration to the cities is set to have profound effects on South Africa’s future – not least in election outcomes. The world is urbanising

Election 2019 – what you need to know


Results particularly worth noting after our 6th national and provincial elections. This is the worst ever result for the African National Congress (ANC), with only