Articles By This Author

It’s over … except it isn’t


There is little reason to imagine that the reckless policy course that prevailed throughout 2018 and into 2019 is anything but the ‘direction of policy’

Are we anti-racist for the right reasons?


Those who argue that black people involved in racial incidents should be treated more leniently than whites risk degrading the generous, ennobling universalism of human

Coming down to earth: the risks of land expropriation must now be faced


All expectations are that, with the election now over, ‘the land question’ will again move swiftly to the centre of government’s agenda. A constitutional amendment

Policy is important – we ignore it at our peril Policy is important – we ignore it at our peril


Robust debate on the best policies to take South Africa forward has been scant – and the risk we face is ending up as ‘just

Challenges of Biblical Proportions


Farmers ‘anoint’ President Ramaphosa, but is it just a matter of faith over hope? ‘The Bible says presidents and kings are appointed by the Lord.

Why gun policy matters – even to those who don’t approve of guns


Draft legislation would have removed self-defence as a grounds for owning a gun. If only the police and army have the right to have guns,

A farm under siege – and why it should worry us all


I’ve decided to retain this article on Editor’s Choice as it has provoked a huge response and brings into sharp focus the sort of dire

Small business: first do no harm


Despite the support for the growth of small business in South Africa, there has been little take up compared to its peers. Since before South

The National Action Plan to Combat Racism: A Failure of Imagination and a Lack of Effort


‘To raise our country and its people from the morass of racism and apartheid will require determination and effort.’  So said Nelson Mandela in an

EWC will be the new load shedding


If EWC continues on its disastrous path, today’s load shedding will be matched by food shedding, followed by an economic blackout from which South Africa