Articles By This Author

Is the genie now out of the bottle?


Terence Corrigan | Aug 16, 2019 The ancient tale’s salutary lesson for South Africa today is that a determined pushback against a destructive idea – even one

The real risk to constitutional governance


As the country teeters on the brink of disaster, it would be prudent for South Africa to think carefully before tinkering with constitutional amendments on

What the land reform report really means


It is quite conceivable that after the start of a large-scale programme of seizures, the resultant administrative bottlenecks would produce an ideal pretext for nationalisation

Land grabs threaten all


This is a high-stakes game, with violent confrontation an ever-present danger. Land grabs will not be tolerated. At least, this is the message that has

Cadre deployment the ‘original state capture’


Municipalities were meant to be the lynchpin of the ruling party’s plans for the country, but they are often the very exemplar of what is

Go and see for yourself


Complacency is not an option – the seriousness of the threat posed by expropriation without compensation (EWC) must be faced squarely. The Institute of Race

Where economic freedom fails, political freedom follows close behind


Zimbabwe is not issuing passports anymore, at least not many of them – because of a shortage of paper and ink. Prioity in issuing new

Land reform – less about land than governance


This is the IRR’s response to a New York Times article last month – ‘Why South Africa Can’t Avoid Land Reforms’ – which the newspaper

EWC: it’s back….


There may have been some who dared to hope that President Cyril Ramaphosa’s State of the Nation Address meant that Expropriation without Compensation (EWC) was

Navigating the Challenges of Contemporary South Africa


This article is the text of the speech given by Terence Corrigan, Project Manager at the IRR, to the Annual General Meeting of the IRR