Articles By This Author

If Musk and Zuckerberg can do it, so can you


Elon Musk does it, Mark Zuckerberg does it, and I do it. Everybody’s doing Jiu-Jitsu. It’s the sport de rigueur of Hollywood and the rest

We are all black now (some are just lighter than others)


First, it happens slowly. Then it happens fast. The melting pot of races, cultures and socio-economic conditions simmers and gurgles at an ever-increasing temperature until

You can put your solar system where the sun don’t shine


You know that long whistle a mechanic makes when he looks at your engine while he slowly shakes his head? The mournful eye contact as

Miracle on Mons Road


I have lived in Germiston for a long time. This is the first year I have thought of moving out. I have never felt so

Priscilla the Pointsman and the Guilt Entrepreneurs


They have pop-up stands during peak hours. Frustrated and grateful motorists toss some money their way. Then, it rains coins for a moment, and the

Do NOT make your bed!


I just made my bed. 34 Seconds if you straighten the duvet and wipe the crumbs and the dog off. It takes 8min 36 seconds

What if you stopped drinking and nothing changed?


What happens if your life does not suddenly make an about-turn, like all those stories you hear at the AA meetings? You don’t get the

How libertarian are you? Take this quick quiz to find out!


Nah, just kidding. There is no easy quiz. The first rule of the libertarian club is to fight about the definition. I’ve taken tests many

Ludik: the first Afrikaans series on Netflix


Warning: This movie review contains swearwords and Afrikaans, often indistinguishable from each other. The dominee walks out of church (1979), fresh from a sermon and

Tinfoil hats? We need a whole wardrobe


I like the way I look in a tinfoil hat. It brings out the colour of my eyes. I fancy how the headgear accepts the