Inflation in Argentina hits 100%


Inflation in Argentina has reached triple digits, the first time this has happened since the early 1990s. The country’s statistical agency said that annual inflation

Australian soldier charged with war crime


An Australian soldier, Oliver Schulz, has been charged with murder, following a investigation into alleged war crimes in Afghanistan. Schulz was arrested yesterday and will

Reparations – San Francisco will sink


Payments of $5 million to every eligible black adult, the elimination of personal debt and tax burdens, guaranteed annual incomes of at least $97,000 for

UN report details SA’s role in cocaine trafficking


South Africa‘s cocaine seizures reached record levels during the Covid lockdowns in 2021, with nearly 5000kg of cocaine seized. This solidified South Africa’s reputation as

UN says 2. 5 tons of uranium missing in Libya


The International Atomic Energy Agency says that two and a half tons of natural uranium have gone missing from a storage site in Libya.  Libya

What preparations have you made for EFF ‘shutdown’?, IRR asks Cele

Dispatches News

The Institute of Race Relations (IRR) has written to police minister Bheki Cele to ask him to clarify what ‘preparations (are) being made to manage

ICC issues an arrest warrant for Putin


The International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin over alleged war crimes in Ukraine. The warrant was issued

Possible active volcanoes discovered on Venus


Scientists believe that they may have discovered recent evidence of active volcanoes on Venus, Earth’s closest planetary neighbour. Findings were published this week in the

Cabinet ‘concerned’ at protest action


At its meeting on 15 March, the cabinet ‘expressed concern’ at the national shutdown planned by the Economic Freedom Fighters for next Monday. This was

Latvia stands with Ukraine, calls for closer integration into the EU


Having provided Ukraine with significant amounts of military support, Latvia has announced a further package, and supports Ukraine’s accession to both the European Union and