Three West African juntas to form anti-jihadist force


Military juntas ruling Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso announced the formation of a joint force to fight jihadist threats in the region, according to the

ANC looking to bring election observers for 29 May poll


Following the announcement that the opposition Multi-Party Charter (MPC) may invite observers from G7 countries to monitor the May election, the governing ANC said it

Venezuela announces election, months earlier than expected


Presidential candidates in Venezuela have only until 25 March to register for the election on 28 July. The poll date, announced this week, is months

Millions in Thailand report illnesses linked to pollution


Seasonal crop burning and forest fires, particularly in the north of the country, are blamed for the fact that more than 10 million people in

Zim considers gold-backed currency


Zimbabwe is considering introducing a currency backed by gold, in order to try to stabilise the country’s currency regime. Last year it released a digital

LGBTQ+ law could cost Ghana billions, finance ministry warns


Ghana’s finance ministry has urged the country’s President Nana Akufo-Addo to defer signing controversial anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, unanimously passed by lawmakers last week, because, if made

France enshrines abortion right in constitution


France this week became the first country in the world to include the right to abortion in its constitution. According to the BBC, the overwhelming

Trump supporters use fake AI images to attract black voters – report


Fake images of black Trump supporters, generated by artificial intelligence (AI), are one of the emerging disinformation trends ahead of the US presidential election in

US astronauts, Russian cosmonaut head for International Space Station


An experiment involving growing artificial replicas of human organs in the low-gravity environment of space is among 200 experiments due to be undertaken by three

Iranian hardliners win majority in record low poll


Hardliners have won a majority of seats in Iran’s parliamentary elections, which drew a record low 41% turnout in the wake of calls for a