Steenhuisen backs Ngwenya


Democratic Alliance (DA) interim leader John Steenhuisen says he supports Gwen Ngwenya’s return as head of policy in the party. Some members of the federal

Bongo arrested in Cape Town


Former state security minister and African National Congress (ANC) MP Bongani Bongo was released on bail of R5 000 after a brief court appearance in Cape

Put SAA in business rescue – Solidarity


Trade union Solidarity wants crisis-racked South African Airways (SAA) to be formally placed in ‘business rescue’. Solidarity chief executive Dirk Hermann said: ‘The SAA is

Tough talk on cleaning up government just ‘hot air’


The latest Auditor-General’s report showing soaring irregular and wasteful spending showed the government’s tough talk on cleaning up its act was ‘nothing more than hot

Irregular government spending rockets to R62bn


Auditor-General Kimi Makwetu has revealed that irregular government spending has grown by more than R10 billion in a year, from R51 billion to R62.6 billion.

SAA wages in doubt, unions want to expand strike


As Minister of Public Enterprises Pravin Gordhan warned that SAA might not have the money for month-end salaries, the National Union of Metalworkers of SA

Could Singapore go the way of Hong Kong?


With protests racking Hong Kong, Singapore’s trade and industry minister Chan Chun Sing has warned that his city state could ‘easily’ go the same way.

New CEO for Eskom


The embattled state-owned electricity utility, Eskom, has a new boss in Andre de Ruyter, CEO of packaging company Nampak. De Ruyter will take over from

Zimbabwe’s fate rests with Zimbabweans


Zimbabwe’s economic and political problems are inextricably linked, and can only be solved by Zimbabweans themselves. So says Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Naledi

Union’s SAA comments ‘reckless’ – portfolio committee chair


Chairperson of Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises Khaya Magaxa has slammed the National Union of Metal Workers of South Africa (NUMSA) for saying flying