Zuma: the end of the beginning?


After the British and their many allies had defeated Erwin Rommel at the second Battle of Alamein in October and November 1942, Winston Churchill famously

When small successes deceive


Where is the evidence that the ANC’s goals have changed? To party elders, Zuma’s unforgivable sin was his electoral toxicity. Echoing past injustices, systemic patronage

Why I maintain that the IRR has crossed an unforgivable line


Roger Southall Martin van Staden reacted to my letter in Business Day by penning a diatribe, describing me inter alia as a ‘transformationist’ and a

An evolving American language – inclusive, gender neutral, racialised


In his 1946 essay, ‘Politics and the English Language’, George Orwell lamented the decay in English usage that he believed was corrupting thinking itself. He

Is the earth cooling?


I predict that, if the Sun remains quiet, the Earth will cool slightly. 2100 will be cooler than 2020, by up to 1 degree Centigrade.

Let law-abiding people defend themselves from harm


Proposed changes in the Firearms Control Amendment Bill have ignited fierce public debate on the implications for legal gun-ownership in South Africa.  The draft legislation

Want to save South Africa? Save her cities


Stories about the decline of South Africa’s rural towns have been common for some time. But we are now seeing that even South Africa’s great

The lie of CRT


The real problem about ‘critical race theory’ is that it’s really Uncritical Racist Theory – that is, if you can classify such irrationalist hypocrisy as

SAtired – edition 10


Carl “never-say-die” Niehaus – Part I Combat Carl is the gift that keeps on giving. His face is set in a seemingly perpetual state of

FCA amendments: sports shooting in danger


Sports have always been a means by which people test themselves, as individuals and relative to others. They are among the oldest forms of entertainment,