1976. I am an African! I demand English!


The Soweto uprisings of June 1976, 45 years ago, were a turning point in South African history. In the light of subsequent events, such as

‘Journalism as a form of (dis)honourable behaviour’


Some snippets this week from the world of journalism unleashed a storm of accusations, lamentation on declining standards, and in a surprising twist, admiration for

News Manipulation on Steroids


It is a Shakespearean tragedy that the good reputation of everyone is besmirched by this corporate greed, manipulation and fake news and a complete disregard

SAtired – edition nine


Hello and welcome! This little fortnightly column presents news and politics at its most absurd. SAtired supports freedom of speech, small government and free markets. This means

Is racism the problem?


Many in the chattering classes will tell you the ‘Rainbow Nation’ – a term coined by Archbishop Desmond Tutu to describe South Africa in all

Protect firearm collectors from cultural vandals


The Firearms Control Amendment Bill is much in the public eye, primarily for one reason: if passed in its current form it would remove self-defence

Central bank digital currencies are a scam


The South African Reserve Bank, like many other central banks, are exploring their own digital currencies. Do not mistake them for independent cryptocurrencies, however. They


This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 17th June 1397 – The Kalmar Union is formed under the rule

Forty-five years after the Soweto Revolt, racism is not the problem


Yesterday marked the 45th anniversary of the start of the Soweto Revolt. Back then, on 16th June 1976, black South Africans faced pervasive racial discrimination

What I mean when I say I am a liberal


“By liberalism I don’t mean the creed of any party or any century. I mean generosity of spirit, a tolerance of others, an attempt to