BEE and the question of race


Black Economic Empowerment, or BEE, was defined in the 2001 Commission Report as an integrated and coherent socio-economic process. It is aimed at redressing the

Legalising sex work is long overdue


Since the birth of South Africa’s democracy, there has been a movement advocating for the decriminalisation or legalisation of sex work. Liberal principles of individual

Let’s not forget the other type of state capture


The proposed partial privatisation of South African Airways (SAA) and the lifting of some restrictions on the private generation of electricity have caused a flurry

Our debates miss the big picture


Asia is now the centre of global growth, as it converted massive poverty into the world’s most populous middle class. Circumstances across this country and

‘What bothers me about the vaccination “rollout” the most’


Mounting public frustration at South Africa’s mishandling of the vaccination drive against the spread of Covid-19 infections – as much as the docility of the

Non-racialism, the choice of a supermajority of South Africans


Earlier in June, President Cyril Ramaphosa called for South Africa to review BEE. Proponents of race-based policy have always had two basic arguments. Both are

Second thoughts on Covid vaccines


In a previous column, I wrote a glowing recommendation for the mRNA Covid-19 vaccine. I am now going to backtrack a bit – just a

CRT: the next challenge for schools to face


The most unforgivable sin that our government has perpetrated on our children is the failure of education, because the poor education of children hobbles both

Roger Southall and the mischaracterisation of the IRR


The IRR did not back off when Apartheid intellectuals accused it of ‘socialism’ and will not back off when Transformationist intellectuals accuse it of ‘conservatism’. 

Lobola and abuse: is cultural sensitivity harming SA women?


‘Although the villagers had forgotten the ritual and lost the original black box, they still remembered to use stones.’ Shirley Jackson, The Lottery, 1948 At