SAtired – edition four


Hello and welcome! This little column will present politics at its most absurd. SAtired supports freedom of speech, small government and free markets. This means we’re centrists.

Tax and the broken social contract


Last year, the SA Revenue Service put out an advert to the country’s taxpayers. Against the background of footage meant to invoke the Covid-19 pandemic,

Gates should fight, not fund, ‘anti-racist math practice’


The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has funded a radical-left fringe group that believes mathematics, as it is presently taught, is racist. This is a


This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 5th March 1046 – Nasir Khusraw begins the seven-year Middle Eastern journey

‘Running out of other people’s money’


‘The problem with socialism’, as British prime minister Margaret Thatcher memorably said, ‘is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.’ The truth of

Taking on the public service


In recent weeks the government has seemed to be finding new resolve to deal with the deep problems in the public service. There is certainly

Private sector may, but won’t, procure vaccines


Contrary to its public statements, government has admitted that the private sector is perfectly entitled to procure and administer vaccines. The problem is the private

Time to stop #CitizenAbuse


The mainstream media and many financial institution analysts are driving the line that last week’s budget was enlightened and littered with efforts to reduce the

Are all those beaches shrinking and islands drowning?


Back in 1989 Noel Brown, director of the New York office of the United Nations (UN) Environment Programme, said that entire nations could be wiped

Solutions require situational awareness 


Criticism of the ANC was quite restrained until about five years ago when evidence gushed forth of rampant patronage.  Yet subsequent electoral loyalty seemed to