The danger of abandoning scarcity


The future of South Africa depends on South Africans working together to achieve shared goals. Helping one another is not just a matter of charity,

Advancing women’s property rights should be a priority


As part of his call for gender equality during Women’s Month, President Cyril Ramaphosa said that it was imperative that women have ‘access to productive


This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 15th August 1920 – Polish–Soviet War: Battle of Warsaw, so-called Miracle on

A poisoned infrastructure programme – or real policy reform?


Now that an estimated 3 million jobs have been lost and the crippled economy looks set to contract by some 7% in 2020, the government,

For inclusive growth: Change the Labour Laws


The government, the African National Congress (ANC), big business, and labour say they want inclusive growth as part of a post Covid-19 recovery plan. Before the

Eco-scaremongering: natural gas is ‘extremely flammable’


An environmental writer has got himself in a tizzy over the prospect that Eskom might contract floating, gas-fuelled ‘power ships’ to augment Eskom’s stuttering power

Please, let’s stop pretending


Doctors’ families have the joy of hearing all manner of stories about patients, from the sad to the weird and wonderful. My father recently told

Corruption is only about a third of the problem


Earlier this month the ‘stalwarts and veterans’ of the African National Congress (ANC) bestirred themselves to commend their party’s leadership for ‘grasping the nettle of

Corruption is ANC policy


Helen Zille has given a dramatic demonstration of the dangers and follies of Twitter. She has shown us in exemplary fashion why politicians, including herself

Sisters could do it for themselves


The long road South African women have travelled and still have before them, particularly on the social equality front, would have been a lot shorter