Making a better case for change


Four or five times in the past fortnight, in very different conversations, I have heard middle-class parents, students and young graduates talk of a future

Numbers don’t lie


One of the great things about a sport like cricket is that it lends itself well to statistics. A great player will have great numbers.

‘Honey, who shrank our retirement?’


Baby boomers in the Western world – those born between 1944 and 1964 – have long been considered the ‘lucky generation’. They were considered ‘lucky’ in

Siya Kolisi’s BLM moment


On 19 July, Siya Kolisi made a speech about the BlackLivesMatter (BLM) Movement that became a topic of national conversation. Nearly a month later, it

Cape independence will improve the lives of all citizens


‘That which purifies us is trial, and trial is by what is contrary’ John Milton, Areopagitica (1644) Counterpoint, a new occasional feature on the Daily

Business needs to stand up on SA’s ideological pathologies


With South Africa now at a point of crisis – or, better understood, the intersection of multiple crises – the recovery plan proposed by Business


This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 10th August 955 – Battle of Lechfeld: Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor

New anti-corruption agency to muddy the waters – just like the TRC


Last week African National Congress (ANC) secretary general Ace Magashule belatedly responded to public outrage over corruption in Covid-19 procurement with a statement acknowledging the

Covid-19 is spreading faster than ever


Covid-19 is spreading in South Africa at an exponential rate. Because this does not suit the official narrative, or our common interest in lifting the

How close are we to economic collapse?


A friend of mine is preparing for South Africa’s economic collapse. He is growing his own vegetables and is promoting off-the-grid living to anyone who will