
This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 1st August 1834 – Slavery is abolished in the British Empire as

A race-based BEE system helps keep ANC tenderpreneurship alive


‘A culture of nepotism, favouritism, and abuse’ ‘If, as public servants and political office-bearers we truly care about the public whose interests we claim to

Reform’s Last Chance


When the International Monetary Fund (IMF) extended an emergency loan to South Africa last week, it was in no position to impose tough conditions. Other

The time for secession has arrived


South Africa is taking on water, and nobody is bailing. It’s time to choose: get in a life raft, or go down with the ship.

Does the IMF understand the ANC?


So. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has approved a $4.3 billion loan in ‘emergency assistance’ to help the South African government address this country’s ‘challenging

Why I turned against BLM Global Network


In this winter of 2020, South Africa is divided between those who are for #BlackLivesMatter and those who are against the BLM Global Network. This

Disruption: the American Midwest on life support


Kalamazoo, Michigan: You have to be blind to believe the US economy is rebounding sharply from the coronavirus lockdown. There is no V-shaped recovery. At

What did Zimbabwe’s farmers do wrong?


What did the white Zimbabwean farmers do wrong? I mean, morally wrong. They were kicked off their farms in 2000, and some of them were

Why we need to talk about classical liberalism


If you are unfamiliar with the online platform, New Frame, a good place to start in acquainting yourself with it might be its editorial on

How bad will 2021 be for the ANC?


Next year, local government elections are due (in theory). Could the African National Congress (ANC) be punished at the polls again, as it was in