The ancient quest for intoxication


‘Everybody Must Get Stoned.’ So wrote the 2016 Nobel Prize Laureate for Literature, Mr Robert Zimmerman (professional name: Bob Dylan). It would be more accurate

Monetary policy: Where to from here?


The South African repo rate now sits at 3.75%, lower than it has been in the past 20 years at least. The interest on the

The ANC’s long lockdown


President Cyril Ramaphosa told the nation early in the lockdown: ‘We are resolved not to merely return our economy to where it was before the

Will we really live in a different world?


‘Our country and the world we live in,’ President Cyril Ramaphosa assured South Africans a month ago, ‘will never be the same.’ Echoing this, much

Saying lockdown ‘worked’ risks guaranteeing its return


The President’s most consistently repeated claim is that the lockdown “delayed the spread” of Covid-19 as intended. No evidence has been produced to test that


This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. May 23rd 1430 – Joan of Arc is captured by the Burgundians

Lockdown failures and distorted fears


The ANC government and many other commentators have stoked enormous fears about Covid-19, while a recent model – developed by the Covid-19 consortium advising the

Food for the Desperate: Court saves the day from Official Overreach


Many of South Africa’s lockdown measures have been a combination of the bizarre and the misguided, albeit with evident reasons. Then there are others that

Dark clouds over lockdown relaxation


Much of the country heaved a sigh of relief at the news that lockdown restrictions would be significantly eased from 1 June, but the economic

Covid-19 and the lockdown show scrutiny and reflection more important than ever


Nicholas Lorimer and Terence Corrigan With President Cyril Ramaphosa’s address on Sunday evening, the lockdown of the economy was – by all outward appearances at