The careful massacre of the bourgeoisie


Government’s own advisors called the extended lockdown ‘unscientific and nonsensical’. Unicef warned it could kill more than Covid-19, including 1.2 million children. StatsSA reported the crippling

Much worse than you think


If you want the lockdown to end because you think it worked and we can now relax, you need to see the graphs that follow.

Happy societies respect individual sovereignty


South Africa is a diverse country, the most important and visible aspect being our various cultures, our ways of doing things, our languages. This is

The costliest house of cards ever built


If the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), green activists, climate crusaders, and complicit governments have their way, the global economy will be in permanent

Short-termism is the more dangerous pandemic


Covid-19 is a trigger that will push a fragile global economy into recession, not the cause. The pending economic conditions are the consequence of poor

The mask slips: why you use the jackboot


I’m sure I’m not the only one worrying about the company Bheki Cele keeps. Some don’t have much choice, but all are at risk. It’s

An open letter to all open-letter writers


Many eminent people have written open letters to the president urging him to be more presidential. He’s probably too busy to respond but, if he

Lockdown kills poor black people


Dear President Ramaphosa, ‘Please could you stop killing poor black people? Please could you end lockdown and allow them to return to work, so they

‘Flattening the curve’ was intended for the virus, not the economy


Business for SA (B4SA) has called for South Africa to proceed quickly to lockdown level 2, lest deeper, and longer-lasting harm be caused to an

Sympathise with us poor shnooks*!


[*In (Yiddish) a gullible simpleton more to be pitied than despised. Synonyms: simple, simpleton. a person lacking intelligence or common sense.] The lockdown has wrought