CEOs should stop sitting on the fence about their clients’ property


One of the remarkable results of the saga regarding amending the property rights section of the Constitution is the relative silence coming from corporate top-brass

EWC is coming – but you don’t ‘get’ land


Towards the beginning of 2018, I recall listening to a radio talk show. The topic, as has been the case so often since then, was

Two-thirds majority vote on EWC amendment will suit ANC, not SA


The ‘75%’ versus ‘66.6%’ conundrum on the EWC constitutional amendment bill In calling last month for public comment on the Draft Constitution Eighteenth Amendment Bill

Fostering the suburban dream


Rashly, admittedly, I once suggested to a bemused colleague that if she wanted to live in a leafy suburb she could begin by planting trees.

Conflict between liberals and identitarians weakens DA


In an article in Daily Maverick, Opposition parties could have done better in southern African elections, (7 January), Jonathan Moakes considers the reasons why opposition parties

This must be the year of the fightback


Forget the declaration earlier this month by the African National Congress (ANC) that 2020 must be ‘the year of unity, socio-economic renewal, and nation building’.

Top 10 things that will affect your life in 2020


Daily Friend editor Michael Morris challenged IRR staffers to come up with their top ten predictions of the things that would influence the world and

Nommer, asseblief


Last Friday week we had another bout of load-shedding between 6pm and 8pm. The official period of load shedding in our area is shown as

Koeberg and Chernobyl


Could the Chernobyl accident happen at Koeberg? The answer is a definite ‘No’, and it is important to know why. The question is topical in

The people have no vision


‘Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained, but happy is he who keeps the law.’ – Proverbs 29:18 A vision of the future,