A law-abiding citizen? Really?


I wasn’t too sure whether to laugh or cry this past week when the ANC leapt to the defence of serial absentee accused Jacob Zuma,

No one needs free markets as much as the poor


South African entrepreneurs often complain about the lack of funding available to grow their businesses. One might assume that this is because poor people have

What Foot and Mouth means for you – though you may not know it


It’s a wonder of modern life that at a time when food is more widely available and more abundantly yielded than ever before, we increasingly

‘Don’t think it can’t happen to you’


‘I have heard it said many times, by…people [elsewhere in] the world, that what has happened to Venezuela could never happen to them…. And that’s

Don’t throw the little guy under the EWC bus


Last week, mortgage lending firm, SA Home Loans, took to social media to state that in the event of a client’s property being expropriated, the

Where the real problem lies


Every other day you can expect to find a commentator, an activist or a politician confidently asserting that what South Africa needs most and hasn’t

Auschwitz, before and after


On Monday 27 January 1945, the Russian Army liberated Auschwitz. What the soldiers found was unimaginably horrific, a factory designed for the annihilation of ordinary

Land: beware of two steps forward and one step back


Jacko Maree, former CEO of the Standard Bank and one of Cyril Ramaphosa’s international sales team, was recently reported to have said that only agribusinesses

Brexit: the real battleground is within


At long last, after three years of parliamentary deadlock, two prime ministers, two general elections, one European election, and three extensions to Article 50, Brexit

The oncoming train


The first volume of my Sunday Times ‘Out to Lunch’ columns came out in 2002. Not surprisingly the book was titled ‘Out to Lunch’ (its