Woke meerkat manners


Years ago, I spent a couple of days in Oudtshoorn during a touring holiday. If you like ostriches or are in the market for feather

Corruption versus ideology


Which is worse, to be ruled by a corrupt dictator or by an ideological fanatic? The 20th century provides a clear answer. For our own

SA rated among top LGBTQ tourist destinations – but do we deserve it?


A new index released by American researchers Asher Fergusson and Lyric Fergusson ranks South Africa as one of the least risky destinations for LGBTQ travellers.   

Policy certainty not enough to avoid failed-state status


A common refrain throughout 2019, particularly from business leaders, was that South Africa was in dire need of policy certainty. Early in the second half

How BEE changed the rules of the game


In the closing weeks of 2019, South Africa reached Stage 6 load-shedding. This is uncharted territory, so let’s unpack it a little. Some years ago

Piketty and the flawed analysis of SA capital


Among ‘the three most important concepts for analyzing the capitalist system’, Thomas Piketty places the capital/income ratio, or as he denotes it ‘β’, first. Piketty

Limiting the role of the State


In one of his replies to questions in parliament in 2019, President Cyril Ramaphosa said the State should be at the centre of the development

South Africa’s electoral system – time for a change


Weeks before the May 2019 election, a little-known organisation, the New Nation Movement (NNM), brought a case in the Western Cape High Court in support

The Egregious Fascist Fat-Cats


‘Egregious’ is such a delicious word. It’s the sort of word you want to roll around your mouth like a fine wine. It means ‘outstandingly

The New Year threatens us with prosperity


The New Year threatens most of humanity with increased prosperity, good health and benign weather. The last half century has seen an improvement in human