When a white African is called the N-word


Here is a case of bloody, curious entertainment, with a political twist. It’s a long story, so tuck in. It starts last week when South

BOSA: will it give power back to the people?


The news reports on the radio as I drive along the M1 are all about the big story of the day: VIP protection officers have

Is the West going mad?


Is the Western World going mad? Is the greatest civilisation of all, based on liberty, rational thought and science, now retreating into oppression, irrationalism and

The individual as actuator: A response to the challenge of Roets on Individualism


After reading the opinion pieces published by Martin van Staden, Ivo Vegter, and Ernst Roets, it became clear that there seems to be a common

Coming soon: warning labels on food


The Department of Health wants draconian, tobacco-style regulations for food product packaging. Every time we go to the supermarket, there it is. Like drug pushers

Jerusalem sacked


This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 8th July 1099 – Some 15 000 starving Christian soldiers march in

Illegal mining deaths caused by socialism, not capitalism 


When Pedro Mzileni started his Sowetan column (‘The Boksburg tragedy points to the destructive role of capitalism in mining’) with, ‘17 black people were confirmed

Why are we paying a high cost for SA’s visa system?


Last week the body that represents German business in South Africa took the unprecedented step of issuing a public warning about the dire consequences of

European eco-colonialists subvert African conservation


European governments are contemplating hunting trophy import bans that would devastate game ranching and conservation in Africa. Egged on by extremist animal rights organisations like

Employment Equity Act’s echoes from the past


‘They must branch out into other occupations and become clerks, roadworkers and fitters and turners. I am sick and tired of seeing young Indians sitting