Energy expert’s irrational hostility to private nuclear deal


When Stratek Global announced a partnership to raise R9 billion in private investment Chris Yelland promptly suggested they were running a ‘pump-and-dump’ scam. When BizNews

The AfCFTA investment protocol is meaningless if investors can’t enforce it against Governments


While colonialism may explain why Africa was underdeveloped up to the point of independence, it offers an inadequate explanation of why Africa is still poor

Now is the time for Home Rule in South Africa


Today marks the end of the Free Market Foundation (FMF)’s south coast roadshow, from Port Elizabeth to Cape Town, and the launch of the FMF’s

Indian Elections: Modi’s third term will come with challenges


There is little doubt that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be re-elected to serve a third five-year term after the polls open next week

Is poor safety ‘endemic to capitalism’?


The far left is very concerned about safety standards at aircraft giant Boeing. They blame labour conditions and the profit motive. Some people get their

Reflections on the ‘least worst option’


Would an agreement between the ANC and DA be a viable option, or an attractive one for South Africa?  This question, a perennial one for

A free market in electricity – how would it work?


Eskom’s continued failures and its recently announced price hikes are leading to more and more calls for a free market in electricity. How would it

Propaganda ensures that peace remains illusive


‘Antisemitism is a mirror for the failings of individuals, social structures and state systems. Tell me what you accuse the Jews of, I’ll tell you what

Silence over women subjugated by Jihadi regimes


In February 2024 Associated Press (AP) reported on a number of public executions by the Taliban in a sports stadium in Shibirghan, northern Afghanistan.  Severe punishments

Socioeconomic & geospatial redress, not racial


I had an interesting thought the other day about the fact that just because a problem is racialised, it does not mean that the solution