Regarding the University of Cape Town: Richard Wilkinson’s response to Dr Max Price


On Sunday, Dr Max Price published a reply to my article entitled “The Liberation of the University of Cape Town is Underway.” He takes issue

Using the DA’s economic policy document to challenge the ANC


At long last the Democratic Alliance (DA) has a comprehensive economic reform agenda to fight unemployment, spur small business start-ups, raise growth, and challenge the

Big companies ditch this hopeless backwater


When even big business calls it quits on South Africa, we have to accept that the economic outlook is poor. Small businesses are fragile. They’re

The South African taxpayer needs a break


In South Africa, we are subjected to a state that provides education, healthcare, and employment for citizens. However, since a state does not generate any

MK’s manifesto: classic populism


About a year ago, I wrote a review of a book entitled ‘In the Name of the People: How Populism is Rewiring the World’. A

Do good policies always lose votes?


Do good policies always lose votes? In an election campaign, if a political party offered clear, sound policies that have proved successful wherever they have

How do you explain bitcoin to a Pick n Pay teller?


Earlier this week I bought groceries at the Pick n Pay with Bitcoin. It was my first time. I felt as it must have felt

Reply to Richard Wilkinson: Max Price replies to ‘The liberation of UCT from woke oppression has begun’


The article by Richard Wilkinson ‘The liberation of UCT from woke oppression has begun’ (Daily Friend 26 April 2024) is riddled with falsehoods, non-sequitur conclusions,

Can federalism answer the problem of lawlessness?


My sister travels quite a bit around the world for her job. She recently remarked, when we were all together for a family gathering in

Development as a victimless crime 


Traditionally, a victimless crime was an attempt to save individuals from themselves, usually by the imposition of personal moral values on a non-consenting sinner. This