‘Whites need not apply’


Today’s Daily Friend Show with Sara Gon, Michael Morris, and Nicholas Lorimer discusses the memo put out by DisChem saying the company has put a

Frames of reference: Truss and Prince


Gabriel Crouse and Nick Lorimer discuss the current messy state of British politics, and then head into a winding discussion of some of the cases

Solutions with David Ansara | Marius Roodt on unstable coalitions

Podcasts Videos

In this episode of the ‘Solutions With David Ansara’ podcast, I speak with Marius Roodt of the Institute of Race Relations about how to stabilise

Gauteng is dying of thirst


Today’s Daily Friend Show with Tiego Thotse, Nicholas Lorimer, and Chris Hattingh looks at the ongoing water crisis in Gauteng, the failure of public health

South Africa facing ‘economic sabotage’


Today’s Daily Friend Show with Nicholas Lorimer, Mlondi Mdluli, and Gabriel Crouse looks at the Transnet strike which is crippling our logistics. They also discuss

This law could make your vote worthless


Today’s Daily Friend Show with Hermann Pretorius, Nicholas Lorimer, and Sara Gon looks at the opposition of a number of civil society groups to the

Business v ANC: Is the gauntlet being throw down?


In today’s TDF Show Sara Gon, Michael Morris, and Terence Corrigan talk about the controversies surrounding businessmen criticizing the government, a massive strike at Transnet

Solutions with David Ansara | Theo de Jager on farming in South Africa

Podcasts Videos

What role does agriculture play in South Africa’s economy and in society more broadly? In this episode of the ‘Solutions With David Ansara’ podcast, David

United Against EWC – A Roundtable with Opposition MPs

Dispatches Podcasts

The National Assembly last week passed two bills that threaten to push South Africa over the edge: the Expropriation Bill and Land Court Bill. If

R50 billion lost: an economic trainwreck


Today’s Daily Friend Show with Chris Hattingh, Marius Roodt, and Nicholas Lorimer discusses the recent revelations that problems with Transnet have cost the country R50