Articles By This Author

The Reserve Bank and the revolution


If recent pronouncements herald the second phase of the governing party’s National Democratic Revolution (NDR), we can be sure the capitalists will leave – taking

Lessons from D-Day


The Allies made nonsense of the belief in the ‘ruthless efficiency’ of totalitarianism – capitalism smashed national socialism. Many countries now free, and many hundreds

Our government is too big


Small governments, interfering least in people’s lives, have delivered the most prosperity and the highest economic growth. It is instructive to look at the size

Uproar over Zille’s tweets absurd and revealing


But, for all her exposure of the deep hypocrisy of public debate, tweeting has been the Western Cape premier’s biggest mistake. The uproar over Helen

Difficult questions, easy answer: Caster Semenya


The case of Caster Semenya raises many very difficult questions and has one very simple resolution. Caster is a world champion athlete from South Africa

Election lessons for liberals


For those, like me, who believe that liberalism is the best possible political and economic system for everybody, what lessons can we draw from Wednesday’s

Who should the workers vote for?


In the election on Wednesday, which party offers the obvious, proven policies for improving the lot of working class people in South Africa? As far

A Tale of Two Trains


There have been two spectacular changes in my experience of railway journeys in South Africa over the last 60 years, one tragically for the worse,

The school question


Nothing shows better the plight of President Ramaphosa than the school question. He is imprisoned by bad men and malevolent interests. President Ramaphosa is accused

The problems with democracy


Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the rest. Next month the people of South Africa vote in a general election that