Barry D. Wood
Washington writer Barry D. Wood for two decades was chief economics correspondent at Voice of America News, reporting from 25 G7/8, G20 summits. He is the Washington correspondent of RTHK, Hong Kong radio. Wood's earliest reporting included covering key events in South and southern Africa, among them the Portuguese withdrawal from Mozambique and Angola and the Soweto uprising in the mid-1970s. He is the author of the book Exploring New Europe, A Bicycle Journey, based his travels – by bicycle – through 14 countries of the former Soviet bloc after the fall of Russian communism. Read more of his work at econbarry.com. Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07OIjoanVGg
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Articles By This Author

Developers Hold the Key to Apple’s Vision Pro
- By Barry D. Wood
- . Feb 11, 2024
TechCrunch, a leading technology website, says “Apple’s Vision Pro will live or die on the backs of developers.” That’s probably true. The most startling advance

Presidential politics: the view from South Carolina
- By Barry D. Wood
- . Jan 28, 2024
CHARLESTON, SC: Back in September I wrote on these pages that America’s presumed presidential candidates were too old and the country desperately needed fresh blood.

Phoenix, Arizona: Prosperity and its challenges
- By Barry D. Wood
- . Dec 24, 2023
On the surface Phoenix is a huge success story. The economy is booming, population is up 40% in two decades, half a million new jobs

A proven recipe for economic growth
- By Barry D. Wood
- . Nov 26, 2023
Back in 1989, a few months before the Berlin Wall came down, economist John Williamson outlined what he thought was an agreed-upon formula for economic

An Historic Miscalculation: There’s No Way the UAW Can Win
- By Barry D. Wood
- . Oct 8, 2023
In 1982 the US auto industry was fighting for its life. Mired in the deepest recession since the 1930s, 250 000 auto workers were out

America desperately needs younger leaders
- By Barry D. Wood
- . Sep 24, 2023
On the day before the 1980 presidential election, I telephoned friends urging them not to vote for Ronald Reagan. The reason: the 69-year-old candidate was

A path forward for BRICS after the successful Johannesburg summit
- By Barry D. Wood
- . Aug 27, 2023
Give credit to the South Africans for organizing a smooth, efficient three-day meeting overcoming logistical challenges to accommodate dozens of delegations. The format was brilliant—a

BRICS unity buttressed by Russia sanctions but China-India discord looms
- By Barry D. Wood
- . Jul 30, 2023
In 2001 Goldman Sachs economist Jim O’Neill coined the acronym BRIC for four fast-growing economies that he predicted would attract big flows of foreign investment

The Message from Amazon: Promoting Business = Job Creation
- By Barry D. Wood
- . Jul 2, 2023
A wise South African, Magnus Heystek, has written, “where capital isn’t welcome, it packs up and goes elsewhere.” Amazon’s quest for a second corporate headquarters

G7 and China: Cold War II?
- By Barry D. Wood
- . May 28, 2023
HIROSHIMA: Historian Niall Ferguson argues that the icy bi-lateral relations between the US and China in recent years have evolved into a new and dangerous conflict,