Zimbabwe gives nod to Starlink


Zimbabwe’s Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (POTRAZ) has approved Starlink’s licensing in the country. Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa announced this development in a post on

Trump booed at Libertarian convention


US Presidential hopeful Donald Trump was booed and heckled during a speech to the  Libertarian National Convention in Washington at the weekend. According to The

Tories punt national service in UK


Britain’s Conservative Party has pledged to introduce a mandatory scheme for military or non-military service for all 18-year-olds, should the Conservatives win the general election.

Mass school killing prompts action against Meta, video game creator and gunmaker


Lawsuits have been brought by families of the 21 victims of the Uvalde school shooting in Texas two years ago against the manufacturer of the

Bestselling novelist Picoult speaks out over bannings in US


Losing free speech “is a very, very slippery slope”, bestselling novelist Jodi Picoult has warned in a discussion about two of her books being banned

Rare feather fetches record price


A single feather of the now extinct New Zealand huia bird has set a world record after being sold for the equivalent of $28,417 at

What would an ANC/EFF coalition mean for SA?

Dispatches News

A new analysis by the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) examines South Africa’s prospects under a possible coalition government comprising the ANC and EFF. Written

Patel to stand down


Ebrahim Patel, Minister of Trade, Industry & Competition, will leave the cabinet after next week’s election. Patel, 62, joins Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan in

Is Venezuela going to war for Iran and China?


A Venezuelan naval vessel was spotted on 8 May sailing toward Guyana’s territorial waters, equipped with stealth technology and anti-ship missiles from China and Iran,

New IRR paper warns of legislation gridlock potential

Dispatches News

Lawmaking could be hampered or even made impossible if next week’s election results in a hung parliament. This is among the risks highlighted in a