Democracy must only be allowed to add to liberty, never to undermine it


Modern-day discussions about liberty rarely conclude without associating it with democracy, nor do discussions about democracy conclude without associating it with liberty. With this textbook

Learning the hard way:  Why Syria should try Liberalism


Syria is a country with an unhappy history.  Since its establishment in 1920, it has been badly ruled by autocrats and foreign powers. Even before

Without a big ANC revamp, SA is trapped


The ANC is desperately trying to get across the idea that since it lost its majority at last year’s election, it is on a path

Phillip de Wet contracts an acute case of authoritarianism


South Africans, says Phillip de Wet, should reach political consensus on implementing a “Great (Political) Internet Wall”, à la China, to shut out social media

Defending the indefensible – South Africa’s support for Syria at the UN


Introduction In ‘Pretoria’s support for global monsters exposed in Syrian “Belsen redux”‘ (BizNews Premium 5 January 2025), RW Johnson referred to the opening of former

Ruminations on “Truth” (Part 1)


“Truth.” “The Truth.” “Speak Truth to Power.” Over the last few months, in informal conversation, on social media, and in the media, I’ve found it

From mediocrity to meritocracy


South Africa is drowning under a tsunami of incompetence in every facet of life. Cadre deployment, affirmative action, black economic empowerment – call it what

The ANC wins, South Africa loses


After 30 years of ANC rule, a quarter of our children are so malnourished they are susceptible to permanent brain damage, unemployment is 42%, economic

Parts Unknown


Fifty-years ago – 15 days after Richard Nixon resigned the presidency – the Danish freighter Diana Skou slid away from the Brooklyn Army Terminal pier

Trump’s Administration Should Reject Ebrahim Rasool as South Africa’s Ambassador


Ebrahim Rasool, a veteran leader within the African National Congress (ANC), has served as South Africa’s ambassador to Washington for two separate terms. His reappointment