The Wokeness retreat – tactical or inevitable?


Although we may never know why Thomas Crooks tried to kill Donald Trump, his failed attempt has further wounded a freshly hobbled woke movement. Easily

The left despises the working classes


I never know what the political terms ‘left’ and ‘right’ stand for and nobody has ever explained them to me, although they are used all

Reading Mania


Returning to normality, or at least the world beyond social media and politics after sustained immersion, is not proving easy. It’s my fault. I made

This Week in the World


Shedding light on events and personalities around the globe that may not have made the headlines. Ukraine/Russia This week saw relatively little movement on the

The DA shouldn’t have entered into the GNU


The Democratic Alliance (DA), despite its fear over a doomsday coalition between the African National Congress (ANC) and the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) or uMkhonto

Myers-Briggs: corporate woo


The Myers-Briggs personality type indicator remains a popular management tool in South Africa and around the world, but it’s bunkum. Apply for a job or

Voters did not ask for more ANC-style transformation


Since the election on 29 May 2024, a narrative has taken hold that misrepresents how South Africans voted. It is well described in a tweet

Taking responsibility: Nobody is coming to ‘rescue’ South Africa


There is something simultaneously scary and empowering about realising that there is nothing and nobody out there who is coming to ‘save’ us, and that

The ANC’s Big Rethink


Tomorrow, the ANC’s most senior leaders will hold a marathon meeting to discuss what went so terribly wrong for the party at the recent elections.

How the centre can hold and South Africa can thrive


Last year I wrote a 2034 optimistic time travel piece on SA;  many saw it as naïve. 2023 was a hard year to be bullish