Socioeconomic & geospatial redress, not racial


I had an interesting thought the other day about the fact that just because a problem is racialised, it does not mean that the solution

Shrinking Family Units in South Africa


In South Africa, families have undergone a significant transformation over the past few decades. One noticeable change is the size of families.  According to Stats

The government’s protectionist instincts extend to merchant shipping


The government isn’t quite sure how to do it, but it wants to adopt a centuries-old policy to restrict coastal shipping to South African-owned vessels.

Francis Drake is knighted by Queen Elizabeth I for circumnavigating the world


This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 4th April 1581 – Francis Drake is knighted by Queen Elizabeth I

Beware the sophistry of ‘legal vs illegal immigration’ discourse


The one subject in which I differ wildly from most of those who find value in my work is immigration. I favour a significantly less

Election 2024: After the Count, What if?


So far, the ANC has almost consistently polled below fifty percent in the run-up to the elections on May 29th. In the past, support for

CBD products are a great big scam


The gradual legalisation of cannabis products has led to a massive alternative ‘health’ scam industry. The movement to legalise marijuana has internalised some classic tropes

A question of trust


The latest edition of the annual Edelman Trust Barometer highlights an important dynamic in South Africa’s politics. As the name suggests, this is the question

Thank – don’t tax – the rich


We must support policies which tame poverty and unemployment even if they increase inequality. Many people maintain that inequality can always be reduced by making

The Lesson of the Golden Chicken


Easter Egg hunts in my family were robust events. Ostensibly about the search for sugar in sparkly wrapping, they were also about checking to see