‘Swart gevaar’: Smearing South Africa’s only hope


One can criticise the Democratic Alliance (DA) over many things, but yelling ‘racism’ at every turn is both false and dangerously counter-productive. You’d think that

Stolen stele returned


This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 25th April 2005 – The final piece of the Obelisk of Axum

Political arrangements to consider, or avoid, after 29 May


A coalition between the African National Congress (ANC) and one or two Multi-Party Charter (MPC) parties after 29 May would be the kiss of death

South Africa and the new world order


The breakout of World War III might not be imminent, but there is a new Cold War marked by heightened tensions and a growing risk

How ANC and DA differ on industrial policy


The ANC wants to double down on its industry Master Plans. The DA says it won’t pick winners and losers.  ‘The ANC,’ says the ANC,

When corruption is a feature, not a bug


The ANC took power with the firm conviction that state power was the route to resolving the country’s chronic socio-economic deficits. Partly, this reflected the

The Daily Maverick, and the future of the Press


The most memorable newspaper headline I ever saw was in England 50 years ago to this month. It surprised me − shocked me, I suppose.

Media choices, bias, and propaganda


Two minor storms in the local media teacup drew my attention this week and prompt some comment. The Daily Maverick online publication didn’t publish and

Smoking guns: Can we be sure the police destroyed 50 000 firearms?


The High Court in Pretoria recently ruled in favour of the Southern African Agri Initiative (Saai) to compel the South African Police Service (SAPS) to

Corrupt rulers create criminals


Transparency International has classified South Africa (SA) as a “flawed democracy” in its recent Corruption Perception Index (CPI). ‘Flawed democracy’ is definitely correct – but