There is a sickness abroad


There is a sickness abroad in the land: the government’s obsession with demographic representivity. It is not only a false premise that every activity should

Mr Ramaphosa, let’s tear down this lockdown


Mr. President, Covid lockdowns have caused misery and death. What’s done is done. But even remaining measures deny human rights and cause terrible things. Now

Confiscation of land (or EWC) – what a muddle


About 190 000 years ago our planet was in the grip of an Ice Age. Oceans receded, ice caps proliferated and the surface of most

Cape independence popularity boost


In the wake of the total breakdown of law in order in KwaZulu-Natal and parts of Gauteng in July, a new survey finds strong and

South Africa can succeed, if it changes course


‘Far from falling apart, SA must and will succeed; she will enhance her co-operation with the world and stand as a beacon of the resilience


This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. August 5th 910 – The last major Danish army to raid England

One day left to help kill the bill


Tomorrow is the deadline for public comment on proposed amendments to Section 25 (the property clause) of the Bill of Rights, as set out in

What kind of country do we want to be?


Imagine, if you will, South Africa as an influential and technologically advanced member of an alliance of the world’s most powerful nations which act as

Reshuffle without Reform


Last week’s cabinet reshuffle was crisis-driven. But the crisis will not drive reforms to boost economic growth and deal with massive and growing unemployment.  President

Limits to Growth affirmed, wrongly, again


Yet another study has been published that claims to confirm the doomsday scenarios of The Limits to Growth, first published in 1972. In predicting calamity